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Friday, 2 November 2012

Simple Activity to boost spelling skills in children

Did i ever mention that my lil son..Haris can do his spelling very well?..even better then me?..being his ''teacher'' since he was 3 years old gave me brilliant opportunity to use all sort of methods to make him learning in fun and interesting ways!

After Haris is able to read..i was thinking to make him able to spell...i do some research in the net...alot of them says that it need to be practice...i thought to myself..he is just a small kid!..i dont want to make him feel stress with all the writing and spelling  practice. He need to learn without any stress or it will be superb if he dont even know he is learning it!

Then i come across thing similar to THIS


i just give haris this...and now..its aisyah favorite too! this simple game works really well when you want your children to practice their spelling in fun stress free way!

if you can print out or buy the simple words search books, you can just pop it in the car!...ring it out when ever you are eating out with the kids...have with you a set of color pencil and this will make them less restless waiting for their food!

what else?

ok...i did bought this for my kids!


you can get this toy r us...this is a brilliant product.. they have all this level of difficulties...from youngster to adult!...

i still remember how haris was so in love with this...developing his spelling skills...oh how amazing to see you child learning in such fn and enjoyable ways!

since Aisyah already reading well, i'm planning to take out haris old scrabble set and let her explore!...

i notice that my child like puzzle!

Puzzle actually help your child hand and eye coordination and to top up to the can try to find puzzles like this!


you can get this from any big toy store!

for beginners can actually help to re-group the puzzle for each words, then later, try to mix 2 words together and so on...this help the children not to feel frustrated with the first experience in trying to solve the puzzle!...remember this is a fun learning!

pict are all from google ;-)

hope this help..

have a go moms!...make your children learning fun and easy!

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