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Monday, 5 November 2012

school holiday mini trip

Since me and the kids are in parek for 1 week. i've made some mini trips and one of them is going on the bus and train rides and short public transportation station!

we start our journey using the public bus fron slim river to tanjong malim.. 

the kids being told about the rules and good manner in taking public transpotr... like tickets, que up before entering and coming out from it, care for elderly or oragnant lady and offer them your seat and to keep the public transpot tidy and clean and never ever throw rubbish out of the bus!

haris and aisyah being asked about the bus...describe what can they see, hear and feel...

enjoying the view and reading things written in the bus are some ither activity include!

then after we arrived in tanjong
malim...we went to the train station..bought the tikets and haris went to the ticket lady to ask some of it is this..

" are there any bridge along the way?"


when we are on the train station...haris learn about the safety rules...about the yellow line...and of course about the train it self...we actually when the the front part of the head....and ask the train driver to peak inside the driver seat...just a quick look!.. since the train driver dont know english..he dont really say anything...just give that lil chap a smile... :-)

haris was sooo happy and suprise to know that komuter has a funnel too!.

in the train was an amazing adventure forthe kids..  since komuter is not a steam engine...they are trying sooo hard to listen to the...chup chup and clang clag and even the toot toot sound...such a cutie! then they come to know about this komuter being different to the steam engine...its amazing to see they learn things them real world!

we when to rawang from tanjong malim and haris was like very happy counting the stop and when we arrive home that evening...he actually memories all the stop in correct we will have an indoor activity..and the kids chooses to make a book journal about the bus and train adventure that we had!

what an adventure!

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