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Friday, 16 November 2012

kids need options!

I have learn about giving kids options when i saw a very good baby development video in teaches us how to deal with kids and one of it is giving our kids options for them to choose...

i've been using this method to my kids, this way my kids being confidence, less frustrated with routine and happier!

Options in their favorite

option to choose they favorite things

Normally...if we are having lunch together...i will ask my baby ( from 9 months) which drink that they want by holding 2 glasses, one with plain water and one with juice...they will try to grab any of those and that will be their drink :-) same goes to toy...2 toys at a time...eventually...when my kids grow bigger...they can accept options when they need want sweets which they cant have maybe it's not halal and they still cannot understand why and what is non halal sweets...i will give them options and it's easy for them to accept they are use to it ;-)

Option in becoming creative 
options to learn something new

Flowers are red...leaf have to be green!...oops!

In term of learning...they actually open to options...from shapes, color size or number...they becoming more confident in venturing into something new because they have the option to do so...dont limit our child base on what we, even babies have their own feeling and preference... let us be more understanding and flexibles towards our gems okay! flowers are rainbow color with bright orange's autumn and i feel happy!...

Option in playing

kids...just love to jump, kicks and throw...they choose to ump on the bed or sofas...they kicks the toys or sometime throw it..we as parent..we know that they not suppose to jump on the sofa or are not to be kicks or thrown to other kids...and we will quickly ask them to stop and sometime they just not listen to us...why?

because we dont give them option to what they are doing...we ask them not to jump on the sofa...but we forgot that they like to jump...they need options here...end result from not having an options is continue what they are doing!

we should give them options like...if you go and play the hop can jump play with your friend or maybe you want to play other things that is less jumping but more throwing and kicking like footballs...and you will see how the kids respond to it and be happy!

Option in giving opinions

we as a parent...we see our kids as someone small and less important in giving opinion... sometimes we ignore our kids ideas...this will make our kids feel less important and make them less confident and poor self-esteem...
option in giving opinions...

me and my husband will include our children when we are planning for holidays...we will give them option to choose the place and activities. when they give opinions  we actually jot it down and ask them the reason for that decisions.. they will be more then happy to tell us and we are more then happy to take the opinions in!
we need to stop and listen

we need to stop and listen...understand what they are trying to say...and you will be surprise to see how this small act will make our kids more understanding and more flexible towards our ideas as they develop the good trust and understanding with us.. ;-)

1 comments on "kids need options!"

mommyNadia on 13 February 2013 at 20:50 said...

Beautiful entry dear!

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