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Friday, 31 August 2012

My child is being shy...

Shy...timid.. a signal of low self-esteem...

My kids are too timid...he dont really feel like answering question from the teacher...he dont want to go and ask thing from the shop counter...he dont even say anything he really want from worry that he will be bullied at school...

These are some of the comment some parent have when they talk about their children... kids haris and Aisyah did not have any problem with being too shy...normally if somebody just meet them...they will ask me...''where did you sent your kid to school...?'' ''is your kid gone to international school?'' '' your kids are very confident!'' masyaAllah... and they will be very suprise if i told them they were myths busted!...homeschool children DO actually know how to socialize..!

back to the topics...what did i do to make my child confident...out spoken and not timid...

my way might be different..but it work for me!

1. I alway say good boy/girl for their achievement and effort! he might try to switch on the light...but he cant reach it...i never said '' you are too short!..that why you cant reach it''...instead i say '' well done abg have try your best, i can see it, but i think maybe i need to help you a bit...well done for not giving up!'' it sound long and very difficult to do...but if you try and do's not that hard...

2. Avoid the negative words like..being weak, too small, not clever or stupid, lazy, notty...please parent...sometime we just too angry and the words just come out...try to istifar or change the angry word to something else...just say anything infront of you...spoon, table, chair...what ever...and if you do will find yourself laughing and help the kids not to feel scared!

3. I will always make my child to do things infront of i went to the supermarket...i will ask my kids to put the stuff at the counter and give the money to then so that they will do the paying..i will teach them how to say Aisyah...i will give her 50 ringgit and ask her to say '' excuse me, this is the money, thanks!'' she will be very happy when the lady at the counter smile and take the money...she knows that she is doing something right and make somebody happy! try this will be happy to see the result!

4. let your child say things that he do not fancy when other do esp telling it to you! sometimes when other tease haris as not being able to speak malay very well last time...i saw him being a lil upset...i go to him and ask him to tell he everything that make him frown... then i teach him to say and stick out his feelings esp for those who teasing...'' sorry, i dont really fancy with what you said, it hurt my feelings and i think i want to do something else instead''  for some it might be rude esp for the elderly...but this will help them not feeling bullied and for some reason...people not teasing my kids anymore...they just being nice or if they ignore them, they can survive in different things because they were happy and confident!

5. Dont make your child rely on others...i always say that you have Allah and only Allah will give and the kids did not actually being scared to other people or hopping that other people will need to help them...they know they can do it because Allah is with them, if they dont get it now they will get it in jannah...

6. never..never ever watch scary story or movie infront of them. this will make their brain have a limitation, there is something that they need to scared of and its all around you...they dont understand that story and their perceptions is extremely different from us the adult!

7. Never compere...even with their own siblings...please...its very easy to slip this...but the impact to the little heart a enormous! they will feel weak and always left behind from the person you have been compering! even with your friends...on the phone, with other family member, please not infront of the kids!

ok i think this is enough moms... i need to continue with the kids school...insyaAllah i will update about kids activity in next post.

All picture are from google ;-)

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