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Thursday, 27 September 2012

idea for weekend activity

i've make this activity im not a working mom...i can do any activity at anytime or day...but this particular activity can be done for those working mom!..

Go with the map!

ok...first you need to have 

  • paper
  • pancil or pen
  • ideas
ask your child to draw a map of your of where he familiar with.... if you live in a flat...ask the kids to draw the way to the lift...then to the park near by... or any of his fav place with in the walking distance ( if you have small kids)...or by car if your child a bit bigger.... 

ask them to draw the detail things around the route...the trees, shops, stalls, carpark...what ever that he can remember...this is very good brain exercise to sharpen his visual memory. colour it in if your child like to colour things esp the girls! 

i ask haris and aisyah to draw the way to the park... his own way...where should we turn, what can we see along the way, what should we pass and what should we do.

the kids was soo excited...we manage to go to the park using haris map ( i really rely on his map) and his directions...''haris, where should we turn first?'' ''now, should we see this banana trees a long the way?'' '' should we go straight or turn left?''..and we do some park cleaning ( put the rubbish away) before we play... we stop by at all the things he put in the map...and me sing the marching song!

this activity can help boosting your child self esteem...they feel confidence and feel useful in helping others...

ps; no picture..which is very sad...i really need to have my phone back..insyaAllah...wont be long..Allah always have his plan right!

have a go's fun!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

math activity


today...i've manage to snap some of the kids school activities... since Aisyah is doing her kinder math...i'm doing some fun way to make her understand the number sequence using the real life activity...

and haris is doing his count by 2,3,5 and ten using underwater theme math worksheet...

the activity goes like this...she will need to find the counter that i ask her...for example...can you go to the counter between orange and muslim dress counter?... what counter comes after the strawberry counter?...

haris puppet is his friend join in the submarine...counting fishes!
the bottons help haris if he lost the track of counting..esp when faris join in!

happy shopper!

this is one cute and enjoyable game that i made for the kids... as aisyah already know what is before, next, after and between from the shopping activity...i use it to ask her the sequence in math... what number comes after 4...she got it 5...then the number 5 gift box will ge given to her...there will be a special surprise for her...she got a tutu!....

and for haris...the math question will be like this...6-3+2 makes? and the gift box will be waiting for him...

they were soooo happy!

todays math activity..

have a go moms!'s fun and easy!
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Friday, 21 September 2012

What is a sight reading?


As promise..( ages ago!) i want to share my view about sight reading...

what is a sight reading?

have you ever heard term sight reading?...normally sight reading is use in music note reading...but in this case...using the sight reading method to read book or written words.

sight reading is a very fast learning how to read...the kids doesn't need to know how to spell...they just memorize the whole words..

but its not a short course of learning...but it's stress free and enjoyable for kids...

parent actually ask me...''if my kids just memorize the whole words...what happen if they see a new word...will they be able to read those words?

this is when i said long course of learning come to use...

in order to explain about sight reading...i will need to talk about my second daughter Aisyah Summayah...

Aisyah is my success product of early reading using sight reading method...

i started to introduce her with sight reading method at the age of 1 yrs 3 months using Your Baby Can Reads by Dr titzer...i just use the VCD ...finish the whole course...she can sight read most of the words...but unfortunately..i'm not be able to continue with her reading journey as i got pregnant of Faris.....

without a proper class and monitoring..i just let her watch  Your Child Can Read credit to Dr Azizah Ugusman for letting me know about Dr titzer new product in market!.One whole year passed and then i continue her classes...then..i started her with Peter and Jane book at age of 2 yr and 10 months...and to my surprise, she can read the book with a very limited assistent! i'm soooo impressed!

after using 3 books...ive change it to somehow similar type of books but less in total number for complete set...means its cheaper and faster for kids to progress..kohwai and Young... until now..Aisyah is in book 8..reading stage two at age of 3 yrs 9 months...

why did i take soo long from 2yrs 10 months till now and i only manage to finish book be frank...since i notice aisyah can read the first book...i ask her to read other different avoid her becoming bored and my classes is very relax and simple...we have more holidays..and not to forget...she also is learning math, art and craft, Quran reading and also writing....but to be see in proper time ...she actually finish 1 book within 1 weeks... if she is in a good mood...she will finish 3-4 pages in less then 10 minutes...but if she dont want to do it...we keep the book for weeks without even touching it!

so..can she read new words that she see....the answer is YES!


after mastering her sight words ( from the VCD and books) she actually figure it out herself the phonics sounds and blending! might take her longer time to understad the concepts...because i dont teach her....but one she got it...she is reading!...and i dont have to teach her as much as i teach Haris and she dont even know she is learning to read..if she saw a new words, she just read it...sound impossible...but this is soo true...

Aisyah reading

this is a new page...she is reading it for the first time and i dont have to teach her...

okay...since i already talk about phonics and sight reading...which one is the best?

the answer..

it's depends on the child and your patience.. hah!...i will talk about it next entry...

which one to choose...phonics or sight reading?

good luck moms!

ps: all pictures are from google

Thursday, 13 September 2012

haris hand writing


one of haris daily writing practice for the past 1 week is to write simple note...
im still finding time to write about sihgt reading...time oh superbusy with housework n school...and packing...will be going back to perak n kl for 4 days...yeay!
ill try my best to update this blog...insyaAllah.
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marble painting


you will need..
toilet rolls
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Sunday, 9 September 2012

rabbit/kitty origami


the first step....make the paper square ;-)

time to make the face ;-)

the close up...ops...can you spot the smiling face scones there?

coloring the ears ;-)

more detail on abg haris one.

it look more like iggle piggle in  '' in the night garden'''  rather then rabbit ;-0

the finish product!

origami is a very good activity for fine motor development...i normally choose easy to make origami for the kids and it is a very fun ways to work together in group!


have a go mom!
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going to book 8

Watch "aisyah reading 3 yrs 8 months" on YouTube
this my 2nd product of early reading.. she is using sight reading using different methods in teaching my kids reading...haris with phonics and aisyah with sight reading...faris? he is learning phonics at the moment...will see how it goes...faris is more like haris...he can concentrate very well with the things that im doing...masyaAllah :-)
well done aisyah sumayyah :-)
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Friday, 7 September 2012

fish it!


draw and cut out their fishes

aisyah big fish

haris cute fish!

the fisherman?


mine too!

the best spot to do some fishing... ^__^

things needed for this activity:
colour paper
long stick
sticky tape

will be around KL this from 15 till monday.... need to think of activity for this coming holiday!
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Thursday, 6 September 2012

How to teach phonics?

There are alot of different ways to teach phonics to small can use book available in malaysia like bacalah anakku or cepat baca by ameem, or maybe you can use internet like the one that i use to teach haris...

The only thing that parent need to know is when you choose a have to stick to that system till the end...for example you choose have to finish the whole course step by step not just half way then you change to book...that is not going to will make the children confuse and need to retune his or her way to learn..

What did i use to teach haris?


When haris get the idea of his phonics sound, i use starfall system to teach him to read...and when haris finish the whole course...i make my own story with himself in it to make him see why he need to read...for starter!...he need to learn to read because he can read about his story!...he was soooo excited!...i make around 30 or so short story for him...everything about his favorite is in there...from his blue bike to his ipod...every single things!... and from there i started to buy book cepat baca by ameem just to see how the book work i skip book one because haris already know to ho read, i just book two as his reading practice...i also bought some other book that he choose....i spend around RM30 to RM50 a month for his book ....and age of 6...he reads like adult...and he can read very fast!...1 Gemonimo Stilton book less in an hour including tea time and playing games!...i dont really know how long it took for him to finish that book in actual time..but i can tell you...he is a very fast reader esp for his give some view...he can read subtitle in any tv story faster then me!

For parent who want ot teach their kids phonics at home..i suggest that you make yourself understand the system first. Just take your time to know the phonics sounds and the blending method. It is very easy for us adult to master that...all you need is effort and lappy with internet connection... i learn ''learn to read from starfall myself before i teach sure all moms out there can do the same!

How long did i take to teaching haris a day?

10 min to the least and 30 min to the max!.. with i can tell you..i normally manage to teach haris around 15 min a day around 4 times a week with aisyah around...that time aisyah was only 8 months old!

Why did i choose cepat baca compere to bacalah anakku?

solely because of the number of book.... kids don't really fancy a long course of anything!.. cepat baca by ameem just have 2 books...finish that 2's done! like when i teach haris reading in Malay....finish the 2 books...and he can read his first malay book from MPH...

that's all entry...what is sight reading?

ps: i subscribe with starfall... more starfall...its worth every penny!...

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

doctor in the house


the doctor is very busy writing the notes!

one happy patient... ;-)

the treatment...
one happy doctor in duty... ;-)
done... ;-)

the note... mama, haris and aisyah writing were in there...guess which one is which?
the happy clinic!

today we manage to handle a very busy clinic...everyone came with a broken legs and high fever...
i did not manage to take aisyah being a doctor because my hp out of battery...huhuhu

it is a simple activity all you need just bears and your effort to make the clinic alive!..

enjoy moms! 
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Monday, 3 September 2012

paper chain


Time to cut out the paper into paper strips

aisyah conbination and yellow

abg haris blue and green

the finish product...

today activity is a simple paper chain...its easy and simple enough for young todd to join in...
aisyah scissor skills is improving masyaAllah

moms...have a is very easy!


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Sunday, 2 September 2012

Should i teach my baby ABC?

A lot of mommies ask me about this question...''should i teach my baby ABC?'' as i manage to make my child read at a very young a lot of them think that i been teaching my kids ABC( alphabet) since baby....

To answer this question i need to talk about Haris...i did teach him alphabet without knowing about phonics...he knows his alphabet at age 1yr 6 months..then i just let him explore book without knowing what to do to make my baby can read...pity him!..when i was about to come back to Malaysia...he was about 2 yrs 8 months...i found aout about phonics...since then i taught myself about what is phonics and how does it work! ( just tru the net)...when we arrived in Malaysia....he was around 3 yrs 1 month...i started to teach him phonics...and it was such a hard work as haris already register the alphabet name but not the phonics sound!...

From that experience...i noticed dont have to teach your kids alphabet name...because it will not help him to read...the most important step to teach your child with is alphabet sound...the phonics sound!...

It take me almost 1 months to really make haris master all 28 phonics sound and another 2 months of teaching..he manage to read his first ever story from the net...ZAC THE RAT at age of 3 yrs 3 going to 4 months old!.. and i cry! i feel so happy...i just cry!

so moms...this is my dont have or maybe i should say...should not teach your child english alphabet letter name....but teach them english alphabet phonics sound to make it easy for them to learn how to read...

here is haris fav phonics song from youtube video.  This  can help you introduce phonics sound to your kids 

next entry... how to teach phonics at home..

ps: picture are from google ;-)

Good luck moms!

Saturday, 1 September 2012



Aisyah doing the handle
haris the body of the lantern

Abah join in!

happy with his result!

how does it look like with candles in it..

my lantern!

i took the pict without flash and i forgot to turn on the light!

one of the activity today is making a paper lantern...
you just need
A4 colour paper
sticky tape.
aisyah make the yellow one and haris the blue one.
ive got the pict on the first part in dslr until he decided to sleep! my dslr need a work to be done...or maybe a new camera...huhuhu


have a go moms!
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