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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

doughnut school cooking class activity...

we made some doughnut for our cooking class...

the doughnut turn out to be soft and fluffy

i use this recipe


i use honey instead of condense milk...

this is how the kids do it!


planning for art activity

i make my plan for art activity for 3 days each time.

for example :

i will choose 3 activity( picture from image in google or any site) base on what i have at home in school drawers on saturday( it's holiday).

the activity will be a secret, the kids will not know about it until the time for art and craft session.

each day will have only 1 session.

i will stick to that art, no last minutes change of ideas ( for me)

if the activity required things that is not in the drawers, i will buy it on the plannning day, not on the session day to avoid frustration if the things is not available in the store. you can always change the ideas on planing day...

this is how i make my art session hassle free, and organise.

you need to be organise to avoid stress in handling homeschool.

good luck.

homeschool and how?

i usually like to make thing simple in this blog...i dont use this blog as my long rambling, same goes to this entry...

if you want a proper entry, you can go to here...

HERE to begins..

  • prepare you mental for this big job, why do you want to homeschool, do you have support from your partner and will you be able to cope with your kids being with you most of the time...listening to they questions and answers...
  • prepare your house, where do you want to do the school, are you good at calming youself down after the mess done in the school, can you cope with the messy house most of the time, are  you financially capable of buying the stuff for the school like books, art stuff, papers etc...

ok, i think i'm ready..., prepare the timetable, allocate some money to buy some stuff for the school (for a start: colour papers, colour pencil, glue, scissors, printer, plain papers).'s done! are ready to venture this amazing phase of your life...

teaching your kids yourself, choose the things that you want them to learn, bonding, love and praise.

find some support group that in the same stream as yours, build connections with other parents and share your ideas with them.

homeschool is not about making your child a genius but to make them love to learn as they are learning from the best teacher that the world could's YOU.. the MOTHER!...

happy homeschooling.

you can find a suitable syllabus for your school, but as for me, i'm a mother, i know what is best for them, i teach them how to learn, not what to learn, as the world is changing, so as the knowledge, what we learn now might not be the things that they need, they need to know how to learn and they will learn it when they need to without any problem because they are a good learner...inshaaAllah...mashaaAllah...

good luck!


lil chick craft using felt

it's a craft that need adult help, you will need to use the glue gun to put the felt together.

the kids will do the tracing part, cutting it out and make the feet using the pipe cleaners.

this is how we do it!

we use some modelling clay to make the nest and some eggs!


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

preschool art idea site

there lots of ideas in here..

take a look

choose one

and then..


Preschool art

nice worksheet site

i love this site

you can print out the worksheet for free from this site!



snake or you can call it a dragon if you like!

we are making snakes, this activity help with scissor and fine motor skills

this how we do it!

they really enjoy the snake art and they still playing it now!


Sunday, 16 March 2014

Volcano science project

we are having a fun day doing the volcano project!

we going to do the experiment again with abah...hehehe


Saturday, 15 March 2014

peacock and turkey craft activity!

i used 1 kitchen role cardbox that been cut into 3 part depends on the hand size.

we get the idea from this!

then the kids do this!


Friday, 14 March 2014

insect finger painting

still in mode for finger painting...

we using this ideas

then this what the kids do!


Thursday, 13 March 2014

Dandelion with fingers and cotton buds

they make this today...

using this picture as an idea...

and this is how they do it!

tadaaaaaa...ok...faris picture turn out to be ..DINOSAUR TRAIN track...hahahah..

salam jumaat!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

making scones!

scones is haris and mama's fav tea time snack...and today they help mama make some scones for the evening tea.

it's a messy job and maryam is no pic while mixing the butter with the flour.

the scones are in the oven!

we use this recipe!


we plant some seed

as one of our nature activity, we decided to plant  some seed and enjoy playing with the soil!

we also have a discussion about how we want out tree will be in Jannah, we do some zikir to plant a tree there and step by step how to plant a seeds.

what a lovely day today!

paper doll

aisyah is doing this today...she said she want a paper doll.

this will improve her scissor skills!

putting the post box up!

finally, the post box is up!..

they work together and now, they just need to wait for the postman!


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